1. Enhance students’ awareness of carbon neutrality and development of hydrogen energy in Hong Kong by participating in the naming and drawing Contest with the theme of “hydrogen fuelled street washing vehicle”, and encourage them to continue practise carbon reduction starting from their daily lives;
  2. Encourage students to display their creativity and imagination by participating in the design of hydrogen fuelled street washing vehicles;
  3. Celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China through drawing and creation.

Human activities produce large amounts of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, causing the Earth’s temperature to rise continuously. To mitigate climate change, we have a responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “Carbon neutrality” refers to the efforts we make to respond to the climate crisis and offset greenhouse gases emissions, such as carbon dioxide and water vapour, through activities like planting trees and using renewable energy to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Climate change is making our weather more extreme, so efforts are being made around the world to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the hope of not exacerbating the situation. Hong Kong is also actively promoting “carbon neutrality” to make the air cleaner and the earth healthier.

To achieve this goal, everyone can start with small actions, such as using green transport, saving energy, choosing eco-friendly home appliances, eating green and recycling waste. The government has also launched four strategies:

  1. Promote eco-friendly transportation, such as electric and hydrogen vehicles, to help reduce air pollution.
  2. Increase the proportion of renewable energy, such as installing solar power systems in schools, recycling food waste and establishing waste management facilities.
  3. Reduce energy consumption in buildings, such as using intelligent light control systems.
  4. Encourage citizens to reduce waste, recycle and reduce the use of disposable products while  promoting sustainable social development.

If everyone works together, we can make Hong Kong a better place and create a greener future for the earth.

Since vehicles using hydrogen energy do not produce carbon emissions during operation and the refueling time is similar to that of traditional fuels, it is very suitable for use in heavy-duty transportation vehicles, especially buses or heavy vehicles, to achieve green transformation which will ultimately help Hong Kong achieve carbon neutrality.

Therefore, the government is preparing Hydrogen Fuelled Street Washing Vehicle Pilot Project. The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department will introduce three hydrogen fuelled street washing vehicles to the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for street cleaning purpose. This pilot project will last for 18 months. The government will collect operational data of the hydrogen fuelled street washing vehicles and compare them with the performance of traditional diesel street washing vehicles. Currently, three hydrogen fuelled street washing vehicles have arrived in Hong Kong. The pilot project is scheduled to commence within this year.

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